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Fermenting To Connect


Updated: Oct 26, 2023


  • Bactilius Subtilis

  • Pulses


  • Bowl

  • Fermentation chamber or yoghourt maker


  1. Soak the pulses (2-8h)

  2. Cook the pulses (don't overcook them!)

  3. Cool it down a bit and add the spores (quantity as written on the package)

  4. Mix well and put it in the fermentation chamber/yoghurt maker at 40°C for 20 to 24 hours.

  5. After the fermentation is finished, store natto in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Suggestions for other recipes:

As a condiment you can add oil, vinegar, shoyu, mustard…

Fermentation tips:

Natto has a lot of beneficial properties - 20% of its weight are aminoacids. It is also rich in vitamins K2, B6 and B12. Bactilius subtilis is a very resilient bacteria, so if you also want to make tempeh or koji, use different bowls and don't ferment them in the same fermentation chamber at the same time. It will start developing also in tempeh and koji, where you really don't want it.

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